SVGC Gun Club
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Sycamore Valley Gun Club
Freedom, Indiana

Bylaws of the Sycamore Valley Gun Club, Inc.
Bloomington, Indiana
Revised January 12, 2002

We, the undersigned, desiring to form a Membership Corporation, pursuant to the Not-For-Profit Corporation laws of the State of Indiana, do hereby state:

Article I - General

Section 1 - The Name: The name of the proposed corporation is The Sycamore Valley Gun Club.

Section 2 - Objectives: The purpose for which said corporation is formed is as follows:

The encouragement of recreational shooting by responsible persons, with the intention of fostering a better knowledge of firearms, their safe handling and care, as well as improved marksmanship.

It shall be our further objective and purpose to forward the development of the characteristics of honesty, responsibility, self—discipline, teamwork and self-reliance, which are the essentials of good sportsmanship, good citizenship and true patriotism.

Dissolution:  The Sycamore Valley Gun Club, Inc. shall use its fund only to accomplish the objectives and purposes specified in these Bylaws, and no part of said funds shall inure or be distributed to the members. Before dissolution may occur, any funds remaining shall be distributed to one or more regularly organized and qualified charitable, educational, scientific, or philanthropic organizations to be selected by the Board of Directors.

Article II - Membership

Section 1 - Initial Qualifications: Any responsible person, who is a member in good standing of the Sycamore Valley Conservation and Education Foundation (SVCEF), who is a member in good standing in the National Rifle Association (NRA), and is 18 years of age or over may become a member of this organization on the vote of the membership after; subscribing to "The Pledge” (following), paying the usual dues, and being endorsed as a desirable person for club membership by a club member in good standing, or the Executive Committee.

The Pledge: "I pledge that I am not a member of any organization or group which has as part of its program the overthrow of the Constitution of the United States of America or any of its political subdivisions by force or violence; that I have never been convicted of a crime of violence, and if admitted to membership, I will faithfully endeavor to fulfill the obligation of good sportsmanship and good citizenship."

Applications for membership shall be in writing to the Executive Committee on such forms as they may specify.

Section 2 - Dues: Membership dues shall be at such rate or rate schedules or formulas as may be from time to time prescribed, payable not later than April 1 of each year. No person whose dues are in arrears for more than 45 days shall be eligible to vote, hold office, or exercise any membership privileges within the club facilities.

Members whose dues are in arrears for more than 45 days shall be automatically dropped form the Club Roster, but may be reinstated without vote, upon payment of dues for the current year. After one year in arrears, former members shall be voted on by the membership before being reinstated.

**(10/92) Individuals joining as new members on or after November 1 will pay the required fee and this amount will be applied to the following year's membership dues.

Section 3 - The Board of Directors may from time to time establish honorary arid associate memberships and dues schedules for each.

Section 4 - Termination: Any member may resign from the Club upon written request to the Board of Directors. Any member may be expelled for cause from the Club by a two–thirds affirmative vote by the members of the Executive Committee present at any regular or special meeting, providing: no vote on suspension or removal shall be taken unless at least fifteen (15) day’s notice in writing shall have been given to the member stating the reasons for the action, and the time and place where considerations of the action shall be undertaken.

Members may be expelled for continued minor violations of reasonable regulations governing safe conduct on the firing range, a major violation of reasonable regulations governing same, continued conduct in the community unbecoming a member of the club, or prejudicial to the aims or repute of the club, or upon conviction of crime of violence. Members may at their own expense be represented by legal counsel during such action as may be taken to affect suspension or removal save that any member arrested for a felonious act shall be suspended from membership until either legally acquitted, reinstated by the Executive Committee, or reinstated through an appeal to the membership of the club, regardless of representative counsel.

All charges calling for the suspension or expulsion of a member or members shall be flied in writing with the Club Secretary, with such supporting evidence as may be available; the Secretary shall at once furnish this information in full to the Executive Committee and to the person or persons accused. All charges shall be signed and all evidence shall be signed.

Any member suspended or expelled may appeal the action to the membership of the Club. Such appeal shall be made in writing to the Secretary who will notify the President at once. The President will make known the appeal to the full membership and announce that the appeal will be considered at the next regularly scheduled Club meeting. All Club members shall have reasonable advance written notice of the aforesaid meeting, posted by ordinary mail, and all charges, affidavits and exhibits shall be read and displayed at that meeting. A full hearing shall be given both the accuser(s) and the accused, and a vote be taken by secret ballot of all members in good standing present, two-thirds of which shall be required to reverse the action of the suspension or expulsion.

Section 5 - Voting: Each member of the Club shall be entitled to one vote in any election, referendum or membership meeting, save only that no votes by proxy shall be permitted. When voting is by secret ballot, ballots shall be furnished by the Secretary, in such form as shall be directed by the Executive Committee and in the case of mail ballots, shall be invalid if received after a reasonable date, as set forth by the Board of Directors. In the case of mail ballots, ballots shall be mailed or distributed to the address supplied by the member of the Club.

Section 6 - Orientation: Newly elected Club members, members of the Board of Directors, new officers and committee chairmen shall participate in an Orientation Program outlining their respective duties prior to their assuming their duties. Such programs shall be established and directed by the Executive Committee.

Section 7 - Screening: Every applicant must attend an Executive Committee meeting for screening and orientation before the General Membership meeting. At the General Membership meeting, membership status is voted upon.

Article III - Meetings

Section 1 - Annual Meeting: The annual meeting of The Sycamore Valley Gun Club, Inc. shall be held on the second Thursday of February each year, at such an hour and in such a place as shall be determined by the Executive Committee. Notice of the annual meeting shall be mailed to each Club member in good standing at least ten days before said meeting, and to such other persons as the Executive Committee may choose.

Section 2 - Additional Meetings: General or Special meetings of the Club may be held at any time upon the call of the President, or of the Board of Directors, or upon the demand in writing of not less than twenty members, or 20% of the membership, whichever is the lesser, stating the objective for the proposed meeting. Such demand shall be filed with the President, or in the absence of the President, with the Chairman of the Board of Directors, who at once shall notify the membership of the proposed meeting, setting a date, time and place for the meeting, not more than fifteen days following the date of the filing of the demand. Notice of the time, date and place and objectives of meetings other than those demanded as set forth above, shall be given all officers and members in good standing in writing by United States mail not less than seven days prior to the date determined by the Board of Directors.

Meeting of the Board of Directors may be called by the President, or by the Chairman of the Board of Directors or by either upon written demand of three members of the Board. Full and complete notice of the meeting shall be given to each Director at least one day prior to said meeting, except in cases of grave emergency, in which case the necessity for such notice may be waived.

Committee meetings of regularly appointed committees of the Club may be called at any time by the President, the Board of Directors, the Vice-President acting in the absence of the President, or by the Committee Chairman (men).

Regular business meetings of the club membership of the transaction of ordinary business shall be held on the second Saturday of each month, or at such time, the executive Committee or the membership may determine date and place as.

Section 3 - Quorums: Twenty members or 20% of the membership in good standing of the club, whichever is the lesser, shall constitute a quorum at any meeting called according to the Bylaws.

Article IV - Board of Directors

Section 1 - Composition of the Board: The Board of Directors shall be composed of not less than ten (10) elected members, plus the immediate past President of the Club, who shall act as the Chairman of the board. Each year, one half of the Directors shall be elected to serve two-year terms.

The President with the approval of the Executive Committee will appoint additional Directors as dictated by increases in membership.

The terms for the appointed Directors will expire at the end of the organizational year.

Section 2 - Nominations for the Board of Directors: During the first full week of December of each year, the President shall designate five (5) members in good standing as members of a Nominating Committee. The President shall designate the Chairman. Nominations of candidates for the nominations, which Nominating Committee or petitioners have a personal avowal by each candidate that they are willing to accept full and active Directorship responsibilities upon election.

Section 3 - Notification of Membership: Upon receipt of the report of the Nominating Committee, the Executive Committee shall immediately notify the membership by U.S. mail of the names of the persons nominated as candidates for the Board of Directors, and the right of petition as provided for in Article IV, Section 4 of these Bylaws, and the date, not less than fifteen (15) days after said notice, when an election meeting shall be held. A list of the candidates so nominated shall be kept on file or posted on the Club premises.

Section 4 - Petition: Additional names of candidates for the Board of Directors can be nominated by petitions each bearing the names in genuine signatures of at least five (5) Club members in good standing, and dated upon receipt by the Club Secretary. Such petition shall be filed with the Club Secretary within fifteen (15) days after notice of the Nominating Committee’s report has been given to the membership.

Section 5 - Nominations from the Floor: Additional nominations for the Board of Directors shall be accepted from the floor, from Club member(s) in good standing, at the membership meeting in which the report of the Nominating Committee is announced to the membership. Member(s) presenting nomination(s) from the floor shall give satisfactory assurance that the person(s) being nominated are willing to accept and fulfill active Directorship responsibilities upon election.

Section 6 - Elections for the Board of Directors: Elections for the Board of Directors shall be held according to regular election procedures.

Section 7 - Vacancies: Vacancies among the Board of Directors or among the officers shall be filled by appointment from the Executive Committee and ratified by a majority vote of the membership present at any regular meeting or special meeting called for the purpose.

If any member of the Board of Directors shall fail to attend three successive meetings without a valid excuse, or shall fail to attend any four meetings within a period of a year without a valid excuse, the President shall in writing call such failure to the errant member’s attention and, if satisfactory excuse is not received by the Board within thirty days, that individual shall cease to be a member of the Board, and the vacancy shall be filled as provided above.

Section 8 - Policy: The policy-making responsibilities of the Sycamore Valley Gun Club, Inc. shall be vested in the Board of Directors, which shall control its property, be responsible for club finances, and direct Club affairs, always subject to the wishes of the membership.

The Board shall prepare, or cause to be prepared for its approval, Rules of Procedure, other than Bylaws, which shall serve to guide it in pursuance of its proper duties. Such Rules of Procedure shall include the duties of Committee members and volunteer workers of the Club. They will also provide the basis for proper orientation of all officers and/or individuals and groups associated with the Club.

The Board shall prepare, or cause to be prepared for its approval, Statements of Policy or Policy Declarations, which will provide the framework for its decision-making and to place The Sycamore Valley Gun Club. Inc. on record in the matter of issues confronting the Club and its members.

No section of these Bylaws shall be construed in any way to hinder or diminish the authority of the Board of Directors in taking appropriate community, State, or national action in influencing public attitudes and/or legislation of interest to shooters, gun enthusiasts, sportsmen and conservationists. The Board of Directors shall have sole authority to speak for the Club in such matters, although that authority may be delegated at the Board’s discretion.

All rules of Procedure and Policy Statements shall be formalized and recorded in complete manuals for easy reference by the Board and all Club members. One copy of the manual shall be on permanent file in such location as may be designated the official “Clubhouse and shall be kept up-to-date at all times, and shall serve as the official reference manual for the Club membership.

Section 9 - Legislative Officer: A Legislative Officer will be elected and will have full lobbying responsibilities.

Article V - Officers/Executive Committee.

Section 1 - Officers: The Officers of the Club shall be a President, a Vice- President, a Secretary, a Treasurer, an Executive Officer, a Chief Instructor, and a Legislative Officer. These officers shall be elected by a majority vote by secret ballot of the members in good standing present at the Annual Meeting of the Club. They shall hold office for one year, or until death or resignation should interrupt the term of office held less than one year. An Officer may resign his post upon written application to the Executive Committee. At the beginning of each Club fiscal year, the President will appoint a Public Relations Committee Chairman.

Section 2 - Officers/Executive Committee: All the above Officers and the whole of the Board of Directors shall constitute an Executive Committee responsible for continuously keeping the general membership informed as to the affairs of the Club, the Club’s capabilities, and the state of Club property and equipment, according to procedures established by the Board of Directors. A quorum of the Executive Committee shall consist of at least seven (7) members, at least three of which shall be members of the Board of Directors.

Section 3 - Duties of the Officers: The President shall; preside at all regular and special membership meetings of the Club, be a member ex officio of all regular and special committees, and perform all such duties as usually pertain to the office.

The Vice-President shall perform the duties of the President in his / her absence or at his request.

The Secretary shall conduct all ordinary official correspondence of the Club, shall notify the members of regular, general, and annual meetings, meetings of the Board of Directors and meetings of the Executive Committee, and shall have custody of all books and papers of the Club, except for the Treasurer’s books of account. He / She shall be responsible for re-affiliating the Club annually with the National Rifle Association U.S.A., unless otherwise directed by the Board of Directors.

The Treasurer shall have charge of all funds of the Club and shall place such funds in such bank(s) as may be approved by the Board of Directors. Such money shall only be withdrawn for payment of membership-voted appropriations, which shall be examined in detail for regularity and certified for payment by the Board of Directors. The Treasurer shall keep an accurate account of all transactions and shall render a detailed report with vouchers at any membership meeting or meeting of the Board of Directors when requested and an annual report to the organization at its annual meeting. The Treasurer shall be bonded as determined by the Board of Directors. The Treasurer shall be responsible for the collection of all fees, dues and other monies due the Club. The Club Treasurer must file a tax statement with the IRS each year.

The Executive Officer shall have charge of the ranges of the Club, the arranging of competitions (including such printing and purchasing duties as may be necessary, except that he may contract no bills without authorization by the Board of Directors) and immediately related matters. He shall be responsible for maintaining order and safety on the range, and may make appointments as necessary to further accomplish this end.

The Chief Instructor shall have charge of all small arms instruction with authority to appoint such assistants as may be necessary to accomplish his! her duties. He / she shall contract no bills without the authorization of the Board of Directors.

Section 4 - The procedure for electing officers of this organization shall be the same as that designated in Article IV, Section 2 through 6 of these Bylaws.

Section 5 - Suspension or Removal of Officer(s): Any Officer may be removed by a two-thirds vote of the members in good standing present at any meeting called for this purpose. No vote on suspension or removal may be taken unless at least fifteen (15) days prior written notice shall have been given him of the reasons for the consideration of his removal, and the time, place, and date of the meeting at which such ballot on his removal is to be taken. At such meeting, the accused Officer shall be given opportunity for a full hearing, and opportunity to face his accusers. An Officer may be removed from his post upon the same grounds set forth in the suspension or expulsion of ordinary members, and in addition for the consistent failure to perform the duties of his office, whether such failure is willful or otherwise.

Article VI - Committees:

Section 1 - Appointment and Authority: The President shall appoint all committees, subject to confirmation by the Board of directors. The Board shall authorize and define the powers and duties of all standing and special committees except those whose functions are set forth in the Bylaws. Committee appointments shall be at the will and pleasure of the President, It shall be the function of the committee to make investigations, conduct studies and hearings, make recommendations to the Executive Committee and to carry on such activities as may be delegated to them by the Board.

Section 2 - Limitation of Authority:  No committee shall take or make public any formal action, or make public any resolution, or in any way commit the Club on a question of policy without first receiving approval of this action by the Board of Directors. The President shall discharge special Committees when their work is done and their reports accepted or when in the opinion of the Executive Committee, it is deemed wise to discontinue the committee(s).

Section 3 - Budget and Finance Committee: A Budget and Finance Committee may be appointed by the President, and shall include the Club Treasurer. This Committee shall, from time to time, advise the Board of Directors of the financial matters of the Club. They shall suggest ways and means of conserving and increasing the membership and revenues of the Club. The Committee shall be responsible for assisting the administration in establishing the budget necessary to meet the requirements of the Club’s programs. The Committee shall be responsible for determining the ways and means by which the budget requirements are met. As soon as possible after the election of Officers, the Budget and Finance Committee shall prepare a budget of estimated income and expenditures and submit it to the Board of Directors. Upon being passed by the Board and accepted by the membership, this budget shall serve as the appropriation for the Club. No committee may exceed its appropriation.

Section 4 - Match Committee: A Match Committee will be formed under the leadership of the Club Executive Officer and shall represent each phase of shooting of interest to Club members. The Match Committee shall have the responsibility of planning, initiating and running formal or informal shooting competitions and coordinating these with other competitions held by other clubs, according to such rules and regulations as they deem wise, as long as these rules and regulations are adequately and completely posted sufficiently prior to the competitions that prospective competitors may appraise themselves of them. The Match Committee may, at the discretion of the Board of Directors, solicit prizes from individuals and businesses in order better to have awards for the competitions.

Section 5 - Discharging Committees: In the event that any committee fails to act with reasonable promptness, such committee may be discharged by the President who shall report his action thereon to the Board of Directors and shall therefore appoint a new committee.

Article VII - Range:

Section 1 - Range Officer Duties: In the absence of a designated range officer, SVGC members automatically become range officers with full responsibilities and duties.

Article VIII - Finances:

Section 1 - Funds: All revenue paid to the Sycamore Valley Gun Club, Inc. shall be placed in a general operating fund, except for contributions stated for a specific purpose(s) by the donor(s) or revenues collected by special projects or activities to the extent necessary to adequately fund the projects.

Section 2 - Disbursements: Upon approval of the budget, the Treasurer is authorized to make disbursements on accounts for expenses provided for in the budget subject to procedures outlined in the Bylaws. Disbursements shall be made by check.

Section 3 - Fiscal Year: The fiscal year of the Club shall close on March 31, each year.

Section 4 - Audits: The accounts of the Sycamore Valley Gun Club, Inc. may be audited at any time, upon a two-thirds vote of the total members in good standing, or upon a unanimous vote of the Board of Directors. The results of such audits shall be made immediately available to all members of the Club, by regular mail.

Section 5 - Bonding: Employees of the Sycamore Valley Gun Club, Inc. may be bonded, as determined by the Board of Directors.

Article IX - Amendment:

Any member in good standing at any regular meeting or any special meeting called for the purpose may introduce proposed amendments to these Bylaws. Such amendments proposed must be acted upon by the Club membership at a regular meeting or a special meeting called for the purpose, not more than two months following the introduction of the proposed amendments. Copies of the proposed amendments shall be sent to each Club member via the U.S. mail not less than ten (1O) days preceding the meeting(s) in which the action on the amendments is scheduled to be taken. A two-thirds vote of the members present will be necessary to pass or reject proposed amendments, or a quorum as previously specified for such meetings, whichever is the lesser.

Article X - Procedures and Seal:

The proceedings of the Club shall be governed by the latest of Roberts Rules of Order, as revised.

The Club may devise and use a seal of such design as may be adopted by the Board of Directors.